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Monday, April 18, 2011

"Enter the Donald, Take Two" by David Weigel - Slate.com

Slate was on fire today. And I love this Donald Trump thing. He's borderline Sheening. He called Mitt Romney poor. I really think he might be able to ride this crazy train right to the White House*, particularly after he gets the all important "Poop Reads push" from yours truly (pun totally intended). Like, don't let that completely blank comments section when I asked for help yesterday coming up with a new name fool you. Poop Reads is on the make. We are getting hits by the boatload. People love this shit! Pun intended. I'm about to have legions of followers doing my every bidding. It's gonna be crazy. You stay tuned.

Anyway, Donald Trump knows nothing. That's what this article is about. But if he doesn't have his hand in my pocket, that's good enough for me.

*not a Bud Light's chance in Brother Jimmy's

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